We thought it would be fun to get to know our nutritionists a little better. So, I sat down with Christie and Lisa and asked them a few questions that we all would like to know.
What is your favorite restaurant and why?
Christie: Souther Roots- They have unique sides such as spaghetti Squash.
Lisa: Southern Roots- They have the best selections of vegetables.
What is your favorite junk food you can’t resist?
Christie: Cupcakes from a good bakery
Lisa: Dark Chocolate
What made you go into nutrition?
Christie: I knew at 15 I wanted to go into nutrition. My mom was a nurse but I knew I didn’t have the stomach for that yet I still wanted to help people.
Lisa: I was always interested in nutrition as a child and I also love to cook. With my husband being a personal trainer, I also felt a degree in nutrition was necessary to more fully serve his clients.
Best advice for someone just starting to work on a healthy lifestyle?
Christie: Don’t ‘listen to Dr. Oz! It is not a single food, supplement, food group approach. Take baby steps and do everything in moderation.
Lisa: Consistency is the key. Whatever change someone makes they have to be consistent with it. Also, be patient with yourself and the process.
Top way to relax?
Christie: Reading, a massage, and watching trashy reality TV.
Lisa: When I do my Bible study.
I am most anxious when?
Christie: When I am juggling 3 balls at once (work, family, and personal life)
Lisa: When I face a fear; or when everyone in my family including the dogs needs me all at once.
What advice would you give your 18 year old self, personal and professional?
Christie: My professional advice would be to network, get as much experience in different fields of nutrition as you can get, and to step out side your comfort zone. My personal advice would be to enjoy the next few years and don’t take those college days for granted.
Lisa: My professional advice would be to start working towards your future right now in terms of education, finances, and experiences. Don’t waste time-it goes fast. My personal advice would to be to put God first and follow him.