Rework your Resolution?

Ok-here we are in the third official week of January, how are the New Year’s resolutions doing? Have you already thrown them into the wind? If so, let’s take some time to rework the resolutions and make them something that you can maintain all year long! Here are my top 7 tips to make 2017 Resolution Ready for the whole year:

1. Invest in some new organizers for your kitchen. When you have your healthy choices readily available and visible to you, you will be more likely to select them. This is a perfect time of year to get yourself organized, especially your pantry.

2. Practice better self care by managing your stress levels. There are some great meditation apps available to help you stop the chaos in your world and take a moment to slow down. Some of the ones that I suggest are Calm, Headspace and HeartMath. If you haven’t tried mediation before, be patient as it is just like anything else and requires practice.

3. Block time on your calendar to plan healthy meals for the week. We all live and die by our calendar so make meal planning a priority by putting it on the calendar. We all know what happens when it doesn’t make it on the priority list-we are too tired to do it by the time we do everything else on the list so we decide we will “wing it” and then dinner ends up being a bowl of cereal.

4. Purchase a new kitchen gadget to try that can make meal prepping easier. It could be something like a nicer spatula, small meal prep bowls to help with all your salad condiments, insulated smoothie cup, inside grill pan to prepare leaner meats during the winter months, new muffin tin to make eggs with vegetables in for a quick breakfast, or ceramic knife set for easier cutting.

5. Find the fitness you enjoy! Stop paying for a monthly gym membership if that is not the type of fitness you enjoy. Physical activity does not mean you have to join a gym. This year, do something different and find the fitness you like doing such as dance classes, martial arts, yoga, cycling. If you love it, you will be more likely to do it.

6. Get some new resources to help give you ideas. There is so much awesome nutrition and fitness information out there so search out for some new fitness blogs or nutrition blogs to help give you ideas. I love reading the blogs of other dietitians to help give me new ideas to my clients. If you need help finding some reliable nutrition information, check out for blog posts from dietitians.

7. Buy a fun new lunchbox or containers to help inspire you to pack your lunch. By packing your lunch, you can ensure that you get a serving of fruits or veggies with that important meal of the day that can help increase your energy level for the afternoon slump.

Don’t give up on your resolutions yet! Let’s keep working to make this year a healthier you.

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